Wednesday, January 26, 2011

MLK Day - Serve. Engage. Celebrate!

On January 17, 2011, over 100 people participated in activities that honored the life and work of Martin Luther King Jr. 71 volunteers created 77 blankets that were donated to the Youth and Shelter Services GRIP Mentoring Program through Project Linus. It was wonderful to see all the volunteers working together in small groups, having discussions, and building relationships through service to others. The blanket-making service event was co-sponsored by the Volunteer Center of Story County, United Ames, Ames Public Library, and Project Linus.

49 people attended a film and discussion that engaged participants in dialogue on community organizing, identity, and ways to make Ames a more inclusive community. The discussion was fascinating, respectful, and productive. Many people, including youth, participated in the conversation and offered their personal beliefs about challenging issues. When we finished the discussion, Josh Kriz from United Ames presented information on ways to get more involved with the community (joining a board, volunteering, attending a neighborhood association meeting). The Volunteer Center and United Ames worked with the Ames Public Library to facilitate this event.

A winter clothing drive was also conducted throughout MLK Day – all items collected were donated to clothing closets and shelters in Story County.

In 1994, Congress designated the Martin Luther King Jr. Holiday as a national day of service. Each year thousands of people participate in volunteer opportunities to strengthen their local communities. Volunteering and participating in dialogue are effective ways to create solutions to local, state, national, and global challenges, and for individuals to voice their opinions and become more active in their communities.

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